
While many neighborhoods of New York City were undamaged by Hurricane Sandy, or lost power for a few hours or even several days, many neighborhoods were truly devastated by the storm. Red Hook and Coney Island in Brooklyn, Breezy Point and the Rockaways in Queens, Long Beach in Nassau County, and the borough of Staten...
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While Tim Lincecum may be one of the best pitchers baseball has seen since the turn of the millennium, he can’t seem pitch his way out of court. First, The Freak faced charges for pot possession in 2009.  Now, Timmy’s ex-landlord is suing him for entering his former apartment after his lease expired and stealing and destroying property. Good...
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An article by the BBC reports that spelling mistakes can cost businesses “millions” in lost online sales.  In this day and age of short attention spans and over-stimulation on the internet, companies have only a few seconds to catch a potential customer’s eye and close a sale.  The article reports that companies have “about six seconds” to catch someone’s...
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After somewhat of a hiatus, I return to the blog with two of my favorite subjects in one story:  Trademark infringement and the San Francisco Giants (defending World Series Champions, of course). It appears that federal agents seized over 2,400 t-shirts and baseball caps destined for Port au Prince, Haiti, bearing the registered trademarks of...
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Last Friday the “mainstream media”, blogs and intellectual property attorneys were all a-twitter over Sarah Palin’s latest move: applying for trademark registrations for the names “Sarah Palin” and “Bristol Palin.”  No, really. The CNN article may be found HERE: Upon review of the information on the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office website, it appears that our...
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The Younger Lawyers Division of the Federal Bar Association Southern District of New York Chapter presents ART, LAW & BEER a Free Event January 26th 6:30 – 8:30 PM at GALLERY HENOCH 555 W. 25th Street Featuring: DAVID KASSAN, Figurative Artist LILLIAN LASERSON, Copyright and Entertainment Lawyer and Former General Counsel of DC Comics DANIEL FISHER, Beer Blogger and Craft Beer Advocate RSVP...
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The Senate Judiciary Committee has approved the Innovative Design Protection and Piracy Protection Act (“IDPPPA”), which (if passed by Congress and signed by President Obama) would expand Article 13 of the Copyright Act to include and protect “apparel” items such as clothing, luggage, handbags, wallets and eyeglass frames.  The IDPPA protects fashion designers from having...
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A few weeks ago, South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone escaped a possible lawsuit for lifting lines of the movie “Inception” in one of their South Park episodes. Parker and Stone apologized for using and making fun of lines they believed came directly from the movie’s script, but, in fact, were from another...
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The New York City Marathon is truly a multicultural and awe-inspiring experience. From the multilingual banners at the pre-race expo to the spectators’ signs along the course (“¡Si se puede!” and “Vive Le France” to name just two), it is clear that NY draws athletes and crowds from across the globe. Even at the Staten...
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On this eve of Yom Kippur, I began to think about whether running is a religion. No, seriously. It all started when I thought about whether I was going to fast tomorrow. On one hand, even for secular Jews, Yom Kippur is the holiest day of the year, to be respected and observed. On the...
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