
Yesterday I attended a seminar put on by the American Society for Media Photographers called “Copyright and the New Economy.” The afternoon panelists included, among others, Lawrence Lessig, Harvard Law School Professor and author of books such as Remix and The Future of Ideas, Chase Jarvis, the well-known commercial photographer, and David Carson, U.S. Copyright...
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On a personal and professional note, I would like to announce that I was admitted today to the United States District Courts of the Southern and Eastern Districts of New York. As a member of the Federal bar, I will be able to expand my practice areas, and more easily practice intellectual property law when...
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On Monday, March 29, 2010, the U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, held that patents on a set of human genes linked to breast cancer are invalid. Patents are meant for innovations, granting the inventor/creator the exclusive right to develop and produce the innovation. Exclusivity rewards the inventor, yet too much exclusivity stifles...
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Last Sunday, I ran the official NYC Half Marathon. It was already a great weekend – I went wine tasting with my fiancee on the North Fork of Long Island for my 30th birthday, and New York had its most perfect weather – sunny and in the 70s – since the fall. My previous best...
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